Custom ROMs For Realme 1

4 Min Read

Realme1 is a legendary device which disrupted the market with its performance to price ratio back in 2018. Today also this old gun can compete any budget device in terms of performance. Since the official support has ended months ago I wanted you guys to be aware of the Custom ROM developments going on. So below is a list some the custom ROMs designed for Realme 1. A huge thanks to all hardworking developers behind these ROMs .

Installation process

Please familiarize yourself with flashing and custom rom use before attempting to flash the rom. Please make sure you download the correct version of ROMs for your specific device. Make sure you have TWRP installed.

âž¼Download the latest Rom & the latest GApps package

âž¼Boot into recovery

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âž¼Backup your current ROM (optional)

âž¼Perform a FULL factory wipe and wipe /system and dalvik cache as a precaution

âž¼Flash Custom ROM

âž¼Reboot recovery

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➼Flash OpenGapps–NANO PACKAGE!!

âž¼*Flash magisk* optional (v21 recommended)

âž¼First boot may take up to 10 minutes. This is due to Gapps and root optimization.

BlissRoms based on Android 10

Bliss ROMs comes with a wide selection of customization options from around the Android community as well as unique options developed by our team. With so many options available, you’ll find it hard not to enjoy the Blissful experience.

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bliss rom
bliss rom screen shots


âž¼SELinux is permissive


âž¼Video codec issues in all Chromium-based browsers.

XDA | Download

Project Sakura 2.Q

Project Sakura is a custom ROM built around Lineage OS 17.1, It tries to remain true to it while also providing some more functionality and UI changes.

Project Sakura
Project Sakura screenshots


âž¼SELinux is permissive


âž¼Video codec issues in all Chromium-based browsers.

XDA | Download [631 MB]

Credits: CyberJalagam


LineageOS is a free and open-source operating system for set-top boxes, smartphones and tablet computers, based on the Android mobile platform. It is the successor to the custom ROM CyanogenMod.

lineage os
lineage os screenshots


âž¼ Selinux is permissive.

âž¼ Video codec issues in all Chromium based browser.

âž¼ VoLTE

XDA | Download

Credits: Mmoreyrav + Team


ShapeShiftOS is a custom-rom based on ExtendedUI that aims to provide a different user interface and experience than any other ROM on the market.

shapeshift os


âž¼ Selinux Permissive

âž¼ VoLTE

âž¼ No Offline Charging Animation

XDA | Download [978 MB]

Credit: CyberJalagam

AospExtended v7.3

AOSP Extended is an AOSP based ROM which provides stock UI/UX experience with useful customizations. Being based on AOSP it provides a smooth experience. We have added useful customizations from various other open-source projects and have tried to keep our things simple. A ROM by a user, for a user. #BeExtended

aosp extened
aosp extened screenshots


âž¼ Selinux is permissive.

âž¼ VoLTE.

âž¼ Video codec issues in all Chromium based browser.

XDA | Download [816 MB]


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