Download Magisk v22.0

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Magisk doesn’t need to be introduced to the world of Android custom ROMs, so we’ll spare you some time. Topjohnwu has announced today that Magisk is being updated to version 22.0. The need and desire for root-level access to Android devices has helped Magisk to stay on top of the list for a number of years as one of the most dynamic and creative root solutions. The new update only goes to show that the above is real.

In the past few weeks, we have seen a couple of updates from topjohnwu in various forms, ranging from the merger of the Magisk Manager app with the Magisk installer ZIP to news regarding compatibility with Samsung’s latest flagship Galaxy S21 series. Earlier today, all the updates, technical chats, and discussions finally took the shape of a major update via stable channel. Version 22.0 formally marks the end of a separate Magisk Manager companion app, as the Magisk APK — simply referred to as the Magisk app from now on — can act as both a typical Android installation package and as a flashable ZIP file recognized by TWRP.

v22.0 changelog:

  • [General] Magisk and Magisk Manager is now merged into the same package!
  • [App] The term “Magisk Manager” is no longer used elsewhere. We refer it as the Magisk app.
  • [App] Support hiding the Magisk app with advanced technique (stub APK loading) on Android 5.0+ (it used to be 9.0+)
  • [App] Disallow re-packaging the app on devices lower than Android 5.0
  • [App] Detect and warn about multiple invalid states and provide instructions on how to resolve it
  • [MagiskHide] Fix a bug when stopping MagiskHide does not take effect
  • [MagiskBoot] Fix bug when unpacking lz4_lg compressed boot images
  • [MagiskInit] Support Galaxy S21 series
  • [MagiskSU] Fix incorrect APEX paths that caused fail to load
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