Corvus OS v4.0 – Android 10 custom ROM

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Caorvus OS latest update changelog:

*Fixed DC Dimming
*Added DC Dimming QS Tile
*Added FPS Overlay
*Added FPS Tile
*Added Digital-style icon for FPSInfo
QS tile
*Added ringer mode checking for
Camera Sound effect
*FOD: Added dispparam handling
mechanism as fallback
*Fixed A2DP when offload is disabled
*Improved FOD on AOD
*Enabled LED Notifications
*Fixed MultiUser Section FC
*Switched to April Crosshatch build
* Switched to Latest Immensity Kernel

Corvus OS Features:

Themes:Accent picker
Theme backup
Theme styles

Heads up options
Charging animation
Edge Lighting
Blink Flashlight on Call

Rounded Corners
System Animations
Scrolling Cache
Expanded screenshot
Gaming Mode
Three Finger Swipe
DT2 Sleep
Signature Spoofing
Sensor block per app package
Screen off animation
Dashboard conditions
Dashboard suggestions
Disable device identifier restrictions

Fingerprint Prefs:
Fingerprint error vibration
Fingerprint authentication Vibration

Show status bar on lockscreen
Disable QS when locked
Lockscreen charging info
Lockscreen album art filter
Media artwork blur level
Charging animation
Lockscreen style
Fod Icon picker
FOD recognising animations
FOD pressed state
Hide lock icon
Lockscreen visualizer
Media Artwork

Status Bar:
Battery Customization
Charging LED
Battery Estimates Toggle
Battery Icon Style
Battery Percentage
Aggressive Battery
Battery Bar Customization

Carrier Label:
Custom Carrier Label
Carrier Label Fonts, Size, Colors

Clock Customization:
Show clock and date toggle
Auto-hide Clock
Clock Style
AM/PM Style
Show seconds toggle
Date, its position, style, format, size, font color & style
Icon Manager
Statusbar Icons
Custom Logo
Signal Icon Switch
Toast app icon
Bluetooth battery status

Quick Settings:
Quick QS Pulldown
Smart Pulldown
Vibrate on Touch
QS footer text
Customize footer text
Settings icon toggle
Running services icon
User switch icon
Edit icon toggle
QS Tint toggle
Header Images & toggle
QS Blur
Background opacity
QS Layout Customization
QS tile Animations
Brightness Slider Positions and customization

Traffic Indicators:
Traffic Indicator Placement
Activity Layout
Net Type Activity
Net font size customization
Show/Hide arrows toggle
Net activity auto-hide threshold

Ticker toggle
Ticker Animation
Ticker Duration

Kill app button
Screen off power button torch
Volume Panel Customization
Music Control
Volume rocker wake
Volume rocker wake
Volume key cursor control

On-Screen nav bar
System Navigation
Full Screen gestures
Extended swipe action
Left/Right Swipe Action

Power Menu:
Power menu animation
Restart toggle
Advanced Restart Toggle
Lockdown toggle
Screenshot toggle
Lockscreen visibility

Ambient Display
Always on
Custom Options
Batter level on bottom
Always on when charging
New notifications toggle
Lift to check phone
Hand wave pulse
Pocket notifications on removal
Brightness options on Ambient
Ambient wake gestures
Ambient music ticker
Night Light
Adaptive Brightness
Styles and wallpapers
Screen Attention
Display Colors
Screen Savers
Screen rotations
Wake on plug
Game driver preferences

How to Flash Corvus OS:

1. Backup
2. Download Corvus Latest ROM Zip
3. Wipe cache/dalvik cache/system/data/vendor
4. Flash ROM Zip (Use latest Orange Fox Recovery)
5. Flash any add-ons if you want to like Gapps, Magisk, Etc.
6. Reboot & enjoy!

Build Date: 14-04-2020

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